Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wherefore Art Thou, Goodly Timekeeper?

Hear Ye, Hear Ye,
Exempts for the Month of September,
Hearken unto me!
And listen to my tale of mystery and woe!

here exists a legend of a kindhearted sage
who did whatever he could to keep the world on Time.

He was patient and helpful and just a real mensch.

If others needed help with their tasks he would assist them, of course, to make short and quick work of their labors.

But it took its toll and he became prematurely hunched as a result, until he couldn’t stand up straight at all.

People started to shy away from the crooked little man with the crooked little smile and he grew lonely.

But still he tried to help.

Until one day he was simply gone--never to be seen again.

There are rumors, of course, of where he might be, but no one has found his hiding place if he is even still around.

Then, during an excavation, a pocket watch was unearthed with an engraving on the back--one that could perhaps shed light on this conundrum and answer, for good and all:

Up on thy perch by the invisible clock,
Clanging out the Time or a prelude by Bach,
Standing high above the lagoon and the tide, 
Belting out thy birdsong with true Gaucho pride!

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