Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Friday, July 29, 2016

Sweet Time!

Sweet Greetings, Sweet Timers!

For all you Monthly (for July) and BiWeekly (for 7/17-7/30) candy fans, now’s your chance to approve your timecards!

Let’s not sugarcoat it, it’s part of the job, but a spoonful of honey makes it much easier!!

Have something sweet and tasty while you work, and you’ll see what I mean!

Sweet Geoff

Friday, July 15, 2016

All the Pep!

Hey, Gang!

It’s time once again to show your Gaucho pride by letting us know what we owe you for all your hard work!

So, if you report your time biweekly, then mark down your hours worked on your timecards for the period from 7/3 to 7/16/16!

If you work in more than one department then be sure to indicate which fund to use! Approve it! Then get your supervisor to approve!

And then have a great weekend!!

Go Gauchos!!

Gaucho Geoff