Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Clocky & Watchy in "Time Flies"

Hello, Exempt Staffers!

August is done—“so soon?” (I know!).

Go ahead and report any sick or vacation leave (in 8-hour increments) and approve your timecards so that your supervisors may, likewise, approve.

Also, please keep your hands (and feet, if you got ‘em) inside as the ride is about to begin!


Clocky & Watchy in "Time Flies"

Flight Enthusiast Geoff

Friday, August 26, 2016

Meet Clocky!

BiWeekly Staff
Non-exempts, Limiteds & Student Workers
8/14/16 – 8/27/16

Clocky's Pal Geoff

Friday, August 12, 2016

Moving Time!

Hello, Office Workers of a BiWeekly Bent!

(That includes non-exempts, student staff and the occasional limited employee, as applicable, for the pay period of 7/31 to 8/13/16).

Now is the time to fill-out and approve your hours so that your supervisors can approve them and then we timekeepers can sign-off making everything complete!

You may be surprised to learn that the list of BiWeekly staff in Institutional Advancement is upwards of 250 people!!

So the sooner you finish (with all necessary comments where appropriate) the sooner we can get time moving!

[Disclaimer: manually moving the clock forward won’t actually give you more hours, but it may land you in hot water with the boss!]

Timely Geoff