Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Clocky & Watchy in Drive Time!

As February ends, and Monthly Timecards are ripe,
And struggles beset us at home and abroad,
Try to hold fast to the heroic archetype,
That supports and empowers, and by which we are awed.

That champion is within us, so let it come forth,
Express it with patience, compassion and glee,
Sing songs as you drive along the 101-North,

Increasing our joy helps them, us and we. 

Sing-A-Long Geoff

Friday, February 24, 2017

Daydreamin' Time

 Avast ye, thou waterlogged and damp-hatted BiWeekly landlubbers!
Our vast roiling seas have abated, and the clean-up has begun,
But do take a moment to set aside your push-brooms and hand-scrubbers,
And enjoy daydreams of enduring sunshine and outdoors-y fun!

Please note: If you like these timecard reminders—well…Clocky and Watchy would simply love to hear back,
I’ll gladly relay your appreciations to them (my contact info’s below),
They are very hard-working toons and—you know, not to brag—but I kind of do have the inside track.

[Two-twelve through two-twenty-five is our focus this round—as you may very well know.]

Cubicle Geoff

[I added a few new recipients to the email list and sent this along by way of explanation:]

Subject: In case you're wondering about "Daydreamin' Time"

I try to make timecard reminders slightly less dull by adding cartoons and the odd verse,
If you’d prefer not to receive them--just say so and I’ll refrain from further mailings,
You may find that you’re not the only one in your office to get them, for better or worse,
I just like to spread enjoyment (I suppose you could say it’s one of my failings).


Joy-bringer Geoff

Friday, February 10, 2017

Shower Time!

Sweet Greetings to thee, thou loyal BiWeekly Peeps!
The Great Pink Bunny is here! And he never sleeps!

But answers your questions and quandaries, then wishes you well,
Whether your queries be personal or instead personnel.

The pay period of one/twenty-nine to two/eleven/’seventeen,

Nears its summit which means our Timecard Caucus must now, perforce, reconvene!

Rainy Valentine-y Geoff aka The Great Pink Bunny