Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Friday, June 16, 2017

Clocky & Watchy in Laughing Matters

Yes, the workplace is (obviously) the place where work gets done, 
but productivity and attitude are improved by fun.

Happy Geoff

Friday, June 2, 2017

Clocky and Watchy Unbound & Underground!

Official Sanction Removed! Revolutionary Status Secured!

“Unprofessional, inappropriate, triggering and dark,”
Those were the words bandied by naysayers galore,
“Cease and desist!” decreed the mighty hierarch!
Instead I’ll unfetter my players like a true troubadour! 

So if you want to subvert the Man and not just be a sightseer,
Throw in with us rebels and find Clocky and Watchy here!

Secret Agent G