Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Friday, April 21, 2017

Waiting Time!

The wait is now over, your reminder is here!
(And the author’s pic* is, I daresay, most sincere),
The rhymes are all versed, and the cartoon’s been drawn,
Only one thing is left to follow up on:

All you fine folk must do your timecards—and soon,
By Monday at three (that’s three hours past noon),
With nearly two-hundred that we must complete,
We need ample time to accomplish this feat!

So please rally all of your teams with a grand ballyhoo!

[For BiWeekly staff, from Four/Nine to /Twenty-Two!] 

Now-Here’s Geoff


Friday, April 7, 2017

Clocky & Watchy in Big (Ben) Time!

Hallo, good maidens and sirrahs, I trust thou art all goodly well!
This fortnight’s* close doth find our friends in merry, olden London town,
The tower there, four-faced and spired, contains a secret, hidden bell,
This chime, Big Ben, it has been dubbed, ‘tis that true gong of much renown.

The clocks themselves and tower too get lumped beneath that sobriquet,
But that’s a fact of fame, forsooth, to be defined by nearby traits,
And I, myself, am oft confused with those that I create and yet,
If that should be my legacy then I shall gladly thank the Fates.

*3/26 to 4/8

Sir Geoffrey, Cubicle Bard

Geoffrey Bennett Ulrich

Paymaster & Fiscal Apprentice
4129 Cheadle Abbey