Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Friday, August 14, 2015

It's Kronos Krunch Time!

{Copy editor’s proof}

{Copy editor’s proof, cont.}

[This artwork will be in full color, yes?—Editor]

Hey, Kronos Kids!

Father Timekeeper
[why is the word “keeper” cut off in the artwork? –Ed.]
is back!

And that can only mean one thing!
That’s right! It’s time for Kro-o-o-nos Krunch!!
[Sigh. Can we not stretch words out, please? Thanks.—Ed.]

The sweetest time-related breakfast serial
[is this a pun? Don’t do that.—Ed.]
ever to bear the Gaucho label*
and a great way to start your bi-weekly day!

So, come on over to the breakfast table
[Is that even a word? I’ll answer that for you—it’s not.—Ed.]

For the Bi-Week of 8.2 - 8.15!

‘Cause it’s

Krunch Time!
[this needs to be much, much bigger and preferably in color—Ed.]

*Other Gaucho foods and food products include, but are not limited to:
Rosemary & Time Loaf,
Clock-a-doodle-doo, chicken & clock-shaped pasta soup
Kronuts, clock-inspired pastry rounds
(in no way affiliated with croissant donuts—please don’t have your lawyers call us again!)
[NOT your job!—Ed.]


Kronos Krunch is filled with several non-essential minerals and may cause stress in certain members of the public
so be sure to finish up quick!

It is not advisable to eat Kronos Krunch with a sickle or any other sharpened harvesting implement.

You must be 18 years old or older to purchase Kronos Krunch and have a note from your doctor stating that you are not subject to migraines, seizures, catalepsy, rash or incontinence.

-{Copywriter’s name withheld}

{Reprinted with implicit consent but not explicit permission.}


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