Cube Mind

Cube Mind
The mind of a cube dweller

Friday, September 25, 2015

Writer's Clock

[May contain images]

Staring at the second hand seems to always be my fate.
“What happened to the first hand?” Hmf. Good joke--but not quite great.
Must come up with a reminder soon--pressure’s getting high.
People like to think I’m magic--(gotta maintain the lie).

Maybe a disaster movie like “Time-nado!” or “Time-quake!”
Or a mythical monster pic: “The Time-Devouring Snake!”
Perhaps a clock-themed game show called, “Hey, Buddy, You Got the Time?”
Where hobos look for a priceless clock buried in tons of grime.

I could even do a treasure hunt, where the final prize is me!
But do I want a parade of folks on a “Where is Geoffrey?” spree?
I love my fans, I really do--I don’t just do this for my health.
Yes, I like transparency, sure, but with a modicum of stealth.

I should probably remove my name and pic if that were really true,
And certainly omit my room number (not a very cryptic clue).
But the look of joy on people’s faces when they realize I’m THAT guy!
Is essentially what I live for--so, remove it? I can’t see why.

I’m a writer, see? It’s what I am. I pitch words to see if they stick.
Like testing if pasta’s al dente (a quirky culinary trick).
So, here I am writing about writing, and testing out future bits,
As I describe my creative process (and aim for a million hits).

But now it’s on to the reminding--(if all this wasn’t enough!)
“Please fill out your timecards, people! You don’t want to see me get rough!”
“Students, Limiteds and Non-exempts--all of the bi-weekly staff.”
“Approve those hours, add those comments (on your--or other’s--behalf”).

Don't delay, do it today, as soon as you possibly can!
There’s hundreds of people to deal with and I am just one man!
I know it seems a mindless chore, but it’s still part of your job,
Don’t devolve into denizens of the last-ditch timecard mob!

Forward this to staff and students--it’s such a piece of cake!
Once they’ve done their part, do yours--then everything’ll be jake!
If you don’t, woe is you--you’ll face my condescending tone.
Wait--oh, heck, is that the time?? I forgot to do my own!

Sincerely, Geoff
(Yes, THAT Geoff)

P.S. Autographs and photos available upon request (for a nominal remuneration). 

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